Chabad Hebrew School


First Taste Program

Ages 4 - 6

This program is designed to grab a child's attention with Jewish songs, art, theatre and games. By exposure to the aleph-bet, holiday studies, Torah tales and prayer through song, a child gains a sense of pride and love for Judaism.

Hebrew School

Ages 7-13

This program offers a more advanced Hebrew and Jewish studies curriculum. The students learn to read Hebrew and gain an appreciation for the who, what, when and why of Jewish life and tradition.

Bar / Bat Mitzvah Lessons

The transition from child to teenager is an important milestone in any child's life. These lessons give a child the tools he or she needs to properly navigate life as a responsible adult. Lessons are scheduled privately.

Dates & Times:

Mondays 4:00pm-6:00pm (First Taste Program: 4:00pm-5:30pm)- beginning in September. (a schedule for the upcoming year will be mailed at a later date)


Chabad of Midtown


During Hebrew School there will be a 10 minute break during which the children will get a snack.


$850 per child - Includes Registration, book fees & all supplies

No child will be turned away due to lack of funds.

Bus available to pickup children from local public schools.


Note: CHS welcomes every single Jew, regardless of one’s religious background or level of observance. CHS does not require membership or prior affiliations as a condition for enrollment.

To Register Please Click Here

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